
End of term 23/24

Another school term has ended, marking my second one with Freshwater Theatre, a company I deeply admire for its dedication to bringing drama to schools. This term, I visited no fewer than 48 schools, where I facilitated workshops, told stories, and performed for hundreds—over a thousand—children. There are certainly lessons to be learned. Each experience, each school, and each child is unique. It isn’t always easy, but at the end of the day, it is incredibly rewarding.

Children are the most sincere audience a performer can have, and that has helped me grow significantly. I cherish every compliment I receive after a session, and I take the criticism to heart as well. I’ve been told I’m boring or silly (not in a funny way). Yes, even in this environment, you can encounter hecklers.

After two years of continuous work in theatre in education, my confidence in facilitating in various settings has greatly increased. Thank you, Freshwater, for your trust.

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